Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bad boys???

I really want to talk about bad boys and why do we find them so alluring?? I mean even the good girls tend to fall for their charms, why is that?? I mean granted most of them are really attractive but they all have that broken soul to them that will never make them be good enough for any woman... All they will do is leave a trail of broken hearts behind them... So again I ask why do even smart women fall for them and think that they will change??? I mean just take some examples from TV, first there is Damon from the Vampire diaries, who will always be broken because his father and Katherine did a number on him, and then there is the fact that he Can't stop competing with his brother but somehow women keep feeling sorry for him??? I mean come on really??? He had an eternity and look what he chose to do with it, torture his brother... I aint saying he isn't easy on the eyes because he is but women should be smarter than that... Then there is Dean from supernatural, he is not really a bad guy like Damon is but he is not boyfriend material either, more like a one-night-stand material... I mean sure he would save you but then he would be gone in the morning light... I do think that these two characters have something in common though, they both have daddy issues with their fathers... I mean Dean tried to please  his father but nothing was ever good enough for him and Damon never could please his father either... They both also have younger brothers that ever though they resent them at times, they would surely die for them, yes even Damon would even though he would never admit it to anyone... Maybe that is why women will easily fall for bad boys because they see guys like this on TV and they see this other side to the characters and think that all bad boys have this hidden softer side that only the right woman can bring out in them??? If that is the case, then they are going to be sadly mistaken because things never work out the way that they do on TV in real life... What is your opinion on this subject can bad boys really change or are women just setting their selves up for a fall??

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